In the weighted point product evaluation method, if more than one support person evaluates competing products, the score a product receives is usually the average score of all evaluators.
The weighted point product evaluation method, or Kepner-Tregoe method, compares technology products according to criteria of predefined importance, such as their cost or how easy they are for the consumer to use. The result is a numerical score for each competing product; the "winner" being the product with the highest score.
The people conducting the evaluations can of course disagree. In this case, a product's final score is the average of the different evaluators' scores for this product.
Viewed by many as Lincoln’s greatest speech, this address declared that slavery was the war’s essential cause and that the war was an expiation of the national sin of slavery. Speaking transcendently to history, President Lincoln explained the Civil War—its cause, its character, and its immediate consequences. Though he wanted to be clear that slavery caused “this mighty scourge of war,” he ended on a hopeful note of binding up the nation’s wounds. His message of “charity for all” diverted some Republican desires for harsh retribution against the South.