Mi programa de televisión favorito comienza a las siete de la noche.
La clase de español comienza a las nueve de la mañana.
La escuela comienza a las siete y media de la mañana.
El almuerzo comienza a las doce de la tarde.
Las películas baratas en el cine comienza a las nueve de la noche.
La prática de deportes escolares comienze a las cuatro de la tarde.
tu programa favorito de televisión - your favorite tv show
la clase de español - spanish class
la escuela - school
el almuerzo - lunch
las películas baratas en el cine - cheap films in the cinema (movie theatre)
la prática de deportes escolares - the practice of school sports; school sports practice
I think you choose when to start it.
Start - comienza
time - son la or a las
afternoon - la tarde
morning - la mañana
night - la noche
2) los paparazzis juegan el papel de chismosos y de fotografos espero que espero que te aiga funcionando si no pues lo siento :c
Suponiendo que la distancia recorrida por el avion sea siempre igual a 1200 km considerando las siguiente velocidad de 200.
Assuming that the distance traveled by the plane is always equal to 1200 km, considering the following speed of 200.
Suponer -- to suppose -- it is a verb that belongs to the second group of verbs in Spanish language, because of its ER ending. It's an irregular verb. In this sentence, it's in present continuous tense, in the third person singular form.
Ser -- to be -- this verb is very unique, but it's not the only one that carries the meaning to be. We also have a verb ESTAR which means exactly the same thing, but the use is very different. Ser is used for more permanent things, like occupation, characteristics, for things that will not change and are permanent. The verb sere, in this sentence, is in the third person singular form, in the subjunctive present tense.
Considerar -- to consider -- it is a very regular verb in Spanish language and it belongs to the first group of the verbs because of the AR ending. In the example above, this verb is in the continuous present tense, in the third person singular form.
It means to say in your own words I think.