It Is called, a mirror image or reflection.
The main aspect used to differ coniferous tree are their leaves. Coniferous leaves look like elongated needles, instead of the regular flatend out leaves we're used to
Further characteristics:
Seeds are hard and grow in large groups, stuck to eachother.
Coniferous are evergreen trees (don't shed leaves nor change the colour of these, although this rule does not apply to all of them).
They have spread worldwide.
Can withstand low temperaurees and can be found even in places like the Artic circle.
I've pasted some images down below that might help you a lot. (Left - leaves; Right - coniferous trees).
Hope it helped,
Happy homework/ study/ exam!
Her knee ligaments are weakened or injured so they can't stabilize the bones
Ligaments are dense connective tissues that serve to connect bones to each other. Ligaments are made by definite arrangement of collagen fibers in particular pattern. Weakening or injury to ligament makes the joints unstable. Since ligaments are not strong enough to hold the bones together, weakened or injured ligaments lead to bone dislocation. The woman with complaint of regular bone dislocation in her left knee must have weak or injured ligaments that can’t stabilize the bones.
The two main tissues responsible for structural support are compact bone and ligaments.