<span>some land formations in California formed by the erosion were : Seaside cliffs and wetlands
Seaside cliffs formed by the abrasion of waves that deteriorate the land little by little which eventually formed the seacliff, meanwhile wetlands are formed as a physical barrier to counter the erosion. Yosemite National park and lakes in California were actually formed by erosion.</span>
Group learning
When you study with others, not only will you learn the concept, but anyone else that is studying with you will learn too.
This is a good idea, as it will improve test score.
Jefferson: Louisiana Purchase , Lewis and Clark Expedition
Madison: War of 1812, British burn down the white house, Era of Good Feelings
-The US was growing as a well respected nation who was now fighting its own battles and experiencing major growth in dealing with expansion and government
a rite of passage
The important occasions and ceremonies prove to be a transitional period in the life of an individual. These occasions include the occasion of birth, marriage, death, puberty. Rites of passage involve the activities and preaching which aims at preparing the individual for new roles in their upcoming life.
Learned helplessness is a psychological disorder. It occurs when a person feel stressful situation repeatedly. In this situation they believe that they are not able to work and move. So that they do not try to escape or take action against the situation.
The opportunities become changed according to the situation. Martin Saligman explained about learned helplessness. Learned helplessness leads to the psychological disorder such as stress and depression. It is also included mental disorder such as PTSD.