C. They provide additional detail for the presenter to use as speaking cues is the correct answer.
<em>HERE </em><em>BY </em><em>.</em>
<em>.</em><em> I'M</em><em> </em><em>NOT </em><em>UNDERSTANDING</em><em> </em><em>THE </em><em>QUESTION</em>
The thing in this story is that<span> her nice crackers became so famous in the neighborhood that many people were desirous of obtaining them. Because of numerous requests of this kind, she asked permission of her mistress to bake crackers at night, after all the household work was done; and she obtained leave to do it, provided she would clothe herself and her children from the profits. After proposing these terms, after working hard all day for her mistress, she began her midnight bakings, assisted by her two oldest children. </span>
Answer: F.
The best way to stop drunk driving is to enforce stiffer penalties for anyone caught drinking and driving. The fines need to be much higher and their license should be much harder to get back. It should be made that a zero tolerance breathalyzers machine should be mandatory in every new vehicle that you buy. Make it so that the car just won't start even if you have a drink or two. There should also be designated drivers in every town and city all over the world. A designated driver is simply a person who agrees not to drink alcohol and be responsible for driving others home. The clubs should also have it in place so you can't leave and drink and drive. Then just maybe if we get this all in place, maybe we can save a lot a lives each year and keep the drunk drivers off the highway
lifelessly, casually, halfheartedly, sluggishly, idly, lazily, spiritlessly, Desultorily, indolently, wearily, sleepily, listlessly, lackadaisically, tiredly, languidly.
these are some antonyms for laboriously which means :in a way that takes considerable time and effort.