Here you go !
A communicable disease that I have suffered from is Malaria. Malaria is a specific acute and chronic disease. Malaria is very common in the rainy and hot season. it is one of the major health problem accepted by the World Health Organisation. Mosquitoes are greatly responsible for spreading Malaria.
it was caused by malarial parasite name plasmodium of malaria. it is transmitted to humans through the bite of certain species of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes.
In the process of argumentative writing, or any research, a very important step, aside from creating a claim and collecting the data to support this claim, is the creation of the counterclaim. A counterclaim is literally the way in which a writer contemplates that his argument, or claim, may be wrong, or partially wrong, and this adds veritability and trustworthiness to a research process because it shows that the writer did not just use his/her point of view and research to lay a claim, but considered other options as well and considered the fact that his/her statement may be untrue. What is important to consider, when building a counterclaim, however, it is important to consider all the points established by other writers, researchers or people in general. The correct answer would be C, because when doing research, a writer must consider all the facts, both that support and detract, from the claim in order to make his/her text balanced and not biased.
Ponyboy is restricted to bed rest for a week after he wakes up from his concussion. He finds a picture of Bob the Soc in Sodapop’s high school yearbook. Bob’s grin reminds him of Sodapop’s. Ponyboy wonders if Bob’s parents hate him, saying he prefers their hatred to their pity. Looking at the photograph and remembering conversations with Cherry and Randy, Ponyboy concludes that Bob was cocky, hot-tempered, frightened, and human.
Randy arrives at the house to talk to Ponyboy and behaves with shocking insensitivity. Not thinking of what Ponyboy has suffered, Randy says he is worried about being associated with the violence. They discuss the hearing scheduled for the next day. Ponyboy, in a delirious state, says that he killed Bob himself and that Johnny is still alive. Darry asks Randy to leave.
Hope this is what u were talking about:)
B is the answer, also recommend you to...