this is a quote cause it says princton university states and its copied I have proof look below
found from the princeton website I also checked on plagarism checkers not trying to be rude just answering question and so u do not get in trouble if u do decide to copy it
To find water, I just finished that in my social studies
Contemptuous ridicule or mockery
i believe it is she is all states and all princes
hyperbole's are exagerations and this seems like one
What kind of information is the author talking about?
What does the word "commodity" mean?
What role does digital information play in society?
When reading a text, it is common for the reader to find sentences that make it difficult for him to understand the text and the subject conveyed by it. In this case, it is important that the reader asks questions about this sentence or about the text, to be able to demystify the sentence and understand the subject presented more effectively. An example of this can be seen in the text above, where the reader can ask the three questions selected above, to understand the sentence "information is the most valuable commodity." These questions are not only able to associate the term "information" as something of high value in our current society, but are also able to present how the internet was and continues to be an influencing factor in this system that causes the elevation of information as a commodity.