The flaw of this design is the measurement of happiness itself. They need to define happiness and decide the measurement of it.
Magali and Jean-Gabriel should define happiness itself. After defining happiness, then they have to make the measurement of happiness using the definition that they had chosen for their research. Going around the mall and asking whether people are happy and unhappy is too subjective for research.
Psychological measurement is a developed procedure to measure people’s psychological characteristics, personality, and even intelligence. The presence of psychological characteristics of a subject can be measured by applying a standardized test. A test should meet the conditions of being reliable and valid.
A test can be called valid if it measures what it is supposed to measure. There are many qualities and psychological characteristics that are interesting to measure, but psychologists have a hard time measuring it. To create a valid and reliable psychological measurement, then the researcher should give the psychological characteristics a qualified definition, and that break that definition into items for psychological measurement. The definition and theory of psychological characteristics are the keys to make the psychological measurement.
To be reliable, a psychological measurement should have a consistent result over time. A test can be given to the same people at different time. If the test produces the same result, in this case, consistent, then the test can be called reliable. The test must be free from subjective considerations.
To be meaningful, the result of a test must be compared to the standardized result. The standardized result refers to a comparison group that has similar characteristics. This is to know if the result is higher or lower than the standardized ones.
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Happiness study:
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KEYWORD: psychological measurement, happiness, study
Subject: Social Studies
Class: 10-12
Subchapter: Psychological measurement