It encouraged them to organize the first Women's Rights convention in Seneca Falls New York.
The World's Anti-Slavery Convention was held in London in 1840 and at this convention, women were denied participation at the convention. They were only allowed to view the proceedings from a gallery at one side of the hall. It was there that Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton met each other.
As they went home together, they discussed the obvious exclusion of women from the convention. There and then, they resolved to organize the Women's Rights convention that held in 1848. These two women actively campaigned for women's rights.
The first word is Sink and the second is denser
I guess the answer is NO-3.
În timpul unei eclipse de Lună, Pământul trece între Lună și Soare, determinând Pământul să-și arunce umbra asupra Lunii.
Veți observa că umbra pe care o produce este rotundă. Chiar dacă Pământul ar fi plat, dar în formă de disc, nu ar arunca nici acest gen de umbră. „Singura formă care poate produce o umbră curbată, indiferent din ce direcție este plasată lumina, este o sferă”, explică Thaller.