I’m not 100% sure but The Hispanics had more supplies the natives where still fighting with bows and arrows and other things that they made. The Spanish had guns and swords. So it wasent a equal balance between the two sides.
Important dates [edit]1529: Alonso Álvarez de Pineda, a Spanish explorer, probably became the first European to map the Texas coast.1528-1535: Four survivors of Narváez's expedition, including Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and Estebanico, spent six and a half years in Texas as slaves and merchants among several native groups.February 18, 1685: La Salle established the Fort of San Luis in the bay of Matagorda, claiming in this way the Texan territory for France.1688: The French colony is massacred.1689: The French physical presence is abandoned, although the French would continue to assert their claims on Texas for the next seventy years.1762: The French abandon their claims on Texas and cede Louisiana to Spain for almost forty years (until 1801-1803).1801: Much of North Texas is returned to France and later sold to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.
At no point in recent history have calls for Africa to industrialize been stronger than they have been lately. Across the continent, industrialization is arguably the most talked about subject among policymakers. So why has action on the ground failed to move the needle on this important development marker?
The 2007-09 economic crisis was deep and protracted enough to become known as "the Great Recession" and was followed by what was, by some measures, a long but unusually slow recovery.
i hope it help