Cheikh Anta Diop, he believed that African people formed their society based on Egyptian beliefs and not European customs.
It states that if ancient Kemet had evolved as a patriarchal society, as some Egyptologists claim, it in fact would have remained patriarchal throughout its entire history and therefore be a part of the northern cradle.
1. According to the authors of
Germany’s complaint, how will various provisions of the treaty hurt Germany’s
It will force Germany to accept responsibility for all the
damages caused by the Germans and everyone linked with them. An agreement was made
to sign the Versailles treaty which was a peace treaty at the end of WW1. It
demanded the Germans to accept full responsibility for the war and all its
specific punishments towards the Germans. This in turn did not go well with the
Germans and ended up damaging the whole country. The punishments involved
dropping the size of the German army, taking away territories of Germany and
forcing the country to pay compensation. Basically, this treaty was to shutter
Germany’s economy.
To assert that legal segregation is harmful to children.
This purpose can be backed from the following lines from the excerpt:
Quote, "... their race generates a feeling of inferiority... for [because of] the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of African Americans".
To create artificial separation creates artificial rifts between what the students of different races may distinguish between the possible as well as that which they cannot achieve. In this, if there is a outwardly limiting factor that is not controlled by the student itself but by the state, it would create a societal boundary that would, quote, "affect the motivation of a [African American] child to learn".
We have been studying Ancient Greek Mythology. On the eastern hill of the acropolis, excavations initiated by F