Wilbur and Orville Wright were American inventors and pioneers of aviation. In 1903 the Wright brothers achieved the first powered, sustained and controlled airplane flight; they surpassed their own milestone two years later when they built and flew the first fully practical airplane.
Always working on different mechanical projects and keeping up with scientific research, the Wright brothers closely followed the research of German aviator Otto Lilienthal. When Lilienthal died in a glider crash, the brothers decided to start their own experiments with flight. Determined to develop their own successful design, Wilbur and Orville headed to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, known for its strong winds.
Wilbur and Orville set to work trying to figure out how to design wings for flight. They observed that birds angled their wings for balance and control, and tried to emulate this, developing a concept called “wing warping.” When they added a moveable rudder, the Wright brothers found they had the magic formula-on December 17, 1903, they succeeded in flying the first free, controlled flight of a power-driven airplaine. Wilbur flew their plane for 59 seconds, over a distance of 852 feet, an extraordinary achievement for their time.
The Wright brothers soon found that their success was not appreciated by all. Many in the press, as well as fellow flight experts, were reluctant to believe the brothers’ claims at all. As a result, Wilbur set out for Europe in 1908, where he hoped he would have more success convincing the public and selling airplanes.
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The answer is C for #12 and B for #13
Which of the following best describes the United States?: It has a market economy with no government regulation
The United States began as more of a : market economy but grew more mixed as government added laws and regulations
changes in the composition of the Supreme Court.
This was largely due to efforts of President Reagan whose appointments of Justices to the Supreme Court made the Court largely conservative. This includes elevating William Rehnquist, to the position of Chief Justice in 1986 when Warren Burger retired
The M-A-I-N acronym is often used to analyse the war – militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism.