Answer: 88rising is a label including rich brian, joji, keith ape and rich brian and keith ape are rappers, while joji is more alt. pop. i like joji and rich brian a lot and if you like that kind of music, i would suggest them strongly. if you’re up to it i would also recommend bts, who isn’t for everyone but there’s no harm in listening to a few songs
I think it is perfectly sensible even without Aragorn's backstory.
Marriage between Elves, both because of their steadfast natures and because of their immortality, was intended to last forever.
So Arwen's choice then was this: perpetual missing the person she loved, with no hope of ever loving anyone else, or the great unknown that is mortal death, but with the hope of being able to be with Aragorn.
it would be the last one
oral means speak or mouth so if it was passed down orally, that means it was spoken and not written
Rock music cuz it gives me a way to release anger in a healthy way