A, marketing
The Marketing Department is responsible for creating the overall marketing plan for every record the label is releasing. They are also involved in coordinating all the promotion, publicity, and sales campaigns that the label is committed to
•Germany under the fascist regime of Adolf Hitler
•Germany being increasingly hostile and thinking anyone who isn’t if the Aryan race was subhuman
•Germany declaring war and attacking Poland for land in Sept. 1st, 1939.
•France and The UK already had hostilities to Germany before the war are rivalries and the political tensions just sped things up.
Conservative Romantic
Full Romantic
Nationalist Romantic
Conservative Romantic composers were those who retained the classical forms and guidelines. Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Brahms are examples of conservative Romantic composers.
Full Romantic composers were those who were more innovative and creative in the form and style of their works. Examples of full Romantic composers include Liszt, Mahler, and Chopin.
Nationalist Romantic composers were those who used the ethnic and national folk traditions in their work. An example of a nationalist Romantic composer is the Russian composer Tchaikovsky.
Hitler came to power in 1933