1984. He was given a Special Citation “for his special contribution over nearly half a century to the education and enjoyment of America’s children and their parents.
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
Unfortunately, you forgot to include the question. There is no question here, Just a statement.
What is your question? What do you want to know?
If this is a true or false question, then the correct answer is true.
It is true that someone who is a member of a larger group may begin to think or feel like other people in that group. This influence is known as social identification. Social identification is the process of defining oneself by characteristics shared with other people.
If your question is, "Based on the passage, which two examples are forms of social identification?"
Then the correct answer is "a farmer marching with other farmers to support amending an agricultural law," and "a woman who joins a women’s group to campaign for equal rights."
These are the correct answers because in each case, members join the groups, unions, or associations in order to fight for their rights. They have a common purpose and joining each respective group, they start to see more commonalities between the members. And this exemplifies the concept of social identification.
the answer is: d. by presenting the ideas of others
Cultural diffusion refers to a situation when the idea/characteristic of a certain culture is mixed with the idea/characteristic of another culture.
When media presenting the ideas of others, that idea would be heard and absorbed by a lot of people at the same time and potentially be implemented into their own culture. This would create a cultural diffusion.
d.Feeling disgust and disappointment, she says "I’m not hungry."
Esther was polite in her response to her mother´s new dish.