They answer to this question is he is closer to water to stay hydrated.
The goal of President Franklin Roosevelt's foreign policy focused on moving the United States from isolation to intervention. He started this movement cautiously by establishing diplomatic relations and opening trade markets with the Soviet Union and Latin American through the Good Neighbor Policy.
Settlers did things like occupy and degrade popular hunting grounds or water sources. Like if a settler built a house and barn and fences somewhere, it might ruin the place as a hunting ground because the animals might shy away from it. A fence in a pasture might block and annoy a Native American who was traveling across that area. In some cases, settlers unknowingly violated taboos. Like maybe they cut down trees from a holy grove to use for timber or firewood.
Option: d. The United States protected its investments in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and other Latin American countries by sending in military forces.
The United States had made investments in some countries within its proximity in order to bring prosperity to the region and to serve its purpose of territorial dominance.
In its first, the purpose of passing the Platt Amendment was to grant Cuba freedom but keep the rights of intervention with the United States whenever need be. In a few other instances, the United States sent in military forces to protect its investments in other countries.
Answer: Social contract theory, nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that persons' moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live. Socrates uses something quite like a social contract argument to explain to Crito why he must remain in prison and accept the death penalty.