The war effected many people. Many people died, most resources, if not all, went to the war. After the war, many people wanted to be normal again but could not. The war had effected the economy, people's lives, and some political views. A lot of people had a hard time with getting jobs or money and a lot of families were devastated by the war. Not only normal people were effected, also countries as a whole. The relations between communist countries, such as the Soviet Union, and non-communist countries, such as America, stayed tense. Even until this day, these countries have issues and a third world war is somewhere in the back of our minds'. The Cold War began after World War 2 and it did not end until the late twentieth century.
Father of liberalism (John locke)
gravity (Isaac newton)
master of philosophy (Jean jacques)
political French philosopher (baron de montesquieu)
Answer: Budisho influenced Japanese culture.
Bushido is a code of honor and a teaching of right and wrong which was amplified by the Japanese samurai. Samurai are the members of the higher military caste in Japan who supported the wealthy owners.
Bushido influenced the Japanese culture and the term was first coined in the 17the century, it is also regarded as the soul of Japan. Bushido puts an emphasis on being kind, being honest, caring for one’s family members mostly the old and elder ones, and being self disciplined.