1. Falso.
2. Falso.
3. Cierto.
4. Cierto.
5. Falso.
In this exercise you have to say if the statements are true or false.
1. False because they didn't know about the death yesterday.
2. False because they couldn't smile when they heard the news.
3. True because Carolina couldn't communicate with the family.
4. True because Francisco was young.
5. False because they were not thinking about calling Francisco's family the following day.
c Planificar un viaje organizado
The baby was isolated in a room where the other mothers could be heard praying.
Well, I can't completely help, but I do know some tricks.
For example, write it out fully in English, or the best language you have fluently, then put the whole essay into a translator. Next, make a new document, and copy and paste the translated version into it. Read it out many times, get some quick help (I know some podcasts that can help you learn Spanish easier, like Duolingo) and, once you have learned a bit more (another trick is to read through it using the translator, and see some of the translation parts to learn more Spanish from words that you used) filter out any kinks, and turn it in! It seems harder written out than it is, but it's an efficient way!