Whether it was a tactical retreat by the SADF or an Angolan forces victory one cannot contest that the battle at Cuito Cuanavale was a turning point that brought the border war to an end and led to the peace negotiations that saw the withdrawal of the SADF, MK and Cuban forces from Angola and Namibia and led to the ...
Symbols OR diagrams that could potentially be drawn to represent the Articles of Confederation include: a symbol of 13 stars and/or stripes to represent the thirteen original colonies, a diagram outlining the major point of each of the thirteen articles within the Articles, a symbol of each state representative holding hands representing the Confederation's friendship, symbols of war to represent article nine (such as bayonets, a soldiers uniform, or cannons, etc.).
<span>"D. He was elected unanimously and had the universal respect of the country" is by far the best answer. It was pretty much a given after the Revolution that he would become President because he was so loved by all. </span>
Yes they should because dictatorship can ruin the lives of many people