Well I won't write the essay for you but here's what i'll do,
Frankenstein is a novel filled with prejudice. He hopes for friendship with the blind father because he knows that if the blind man could see he would be horrified and be scared of Frankenstein, which would lead to Frankenstein having no friends and being lonely. People judge Frankenstein on his looks, which then label him as a monster. It's the reason why he lashes out at times and is forever angry at everyone because they treat him like the monster he looks like, but not necessarily he acts like a monster. Frankenstein just wants to be treated normal, he wants to have friends and be happy with the way he looks. This theme is relevant to society today because people are often changing the way they look, or wishing they looked another way because people will judge them based on how they look. People self harm, lash out, similiar to what Frankenstein does, and they are treated differently because of how they look.
Something along the lines of that. You can expand the topics as how you see fit. Hope that helps you, comment if you need help with this more. :)
Look At a Teacup” is an essay written by the feminist writer of America, Patricia Hampl. This essay is written in the narrative style which narrates the history of feminism in America. The two major themes of this essay are the relationship between the mother and her daughter (the author) and the connection between the past and the present. Both of these themes are represented by the teacup.