An owner is usually responsible for large scale repairs of a unit as well as the obligations of the unit to the city and state in the form of property taxes.
A renter is responsible for keeping the unit in the same condition that it was handed to them by the owner.
If frequent disagreements usually happens with Ann and her daughter, the disagreement usually and most likely will happen in everyday issues. It is because she's having a teenage daughter where a lot of troubling things happens. It is being a teenager is the stage where a child would become hormonal, rebellious to the point that she's learning about stuff and gaining new things she haven't done when she is a kid. So most likely, they will have an argument about curfews, person that they are dating, partying and other stuff related to the teenager's life.
All thirteen states had to approve the Articles before it would be in effect.
I think they give people jobs ......thats it lol