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Its climate dictatorships of Vancouver, as well as Winnipeg, are very different from one's different destinations. As just a marine location, Vancouver does have a fairly stable varies with temperature to Winnipeg that has an erratic pattern of sharp images. Its key aspect was its climate pattern throughout the year long. Vancouver is indeed a coastal city and therefore the effect of its water body largely regulates its freezing point. The distinction between autumn as well as winter peaks is, therefore, close to zero. Its highest warm weather is about 19°C as well as the lowest winter about 5°C, giving a roughly annual range of temperatures of 14°C.
Winnipeg, on the other hand, is a mainland internal destination. Its highest temperatures are 27°C, whereas the smallest temperatures can be -10°C. Therefore the annual range of temperatures is 37°C. So, the patterns of weather are genuinely different.
Answer: C. World cities have market effects on a globalized urban culture.
The major cities of the world are are so popular that they are able to influence the decisions of people when it comes to purchasing decisions.
This is because as major cities, they are trend setters. When a new trend emerges in a city like Paris or New York, people around the world would want to copy that trend. It is very lucrative therefore, to host a fashion show in these cities as the adoption of the presented fashion by the city increase the chances of the fashion making it globally.