The grassland of North America is a "steppe climate" in fact in Russia grasslands are called Steppes. This climate makes us prone to WEATHER from high pressures and low pressures meeting up and not liking each other very much - Lightning, Hail, Tornados, Floods, and in the northern parts Blizzards. Basically Winds and Clouds are what we watch and monitor - beautiful, dangerous, and can go from benign to ferocious in the blink of an eye. Weather can kill and weather can be a salvation. It depends on the whims of pressure.
When the sun, moon, and Earth are in alignment (at the time of the new or full moon), the solar tide has an additive effect on the lunar tide, creating extra-high high tides, and very low, low tides — both commonly called spring tides. ... A similar situation occurs between the Earth and the sun.
There are only three groups and these groups that conquered North Africa at one time or the other are the Romans, Muslim Arabs, and the Phoenicians. These groups have developed colonies in North Africa. One example is the Phoenicians who built colonies to the Atlantic from the Tripoli. Also, during the conquest of the Muslim Arabs, this started the spread of Islam all over the country.
Weathering is the process of breakdown of rocks through the action of wind, air, water and by the action of organisms. The metamorphic rocks get gradually converted into sedimentary rocks through this process. The big rocks change into small rock particles called sediments.
plz give brainliest
It is the Line of longitude