Sedimentary rock is the correct answer
Inorganic means that every mineral must be able to form from things that aren't living.
Ans: As years passed, more and more evidence was uncovered to support the idea that the plates move constantly over geologic time. It showed that earthquakes, volcanoes, and other active geologic features for the most part aligned along distinct belts around the world, and those belts defined the edges of tectonic plates.
The correct answer are: C. heat, and E. pressure.
All metamorphic rocks need this two factors so that they can be formed from either igneous or sedimentary rocks. The metamorphic rocks form deep into the ground where the pressure is higher and the temperature is higher as well, the deeper they form the bigger the pressure and temperature they experience. According to how big of a temperature and how big of a pressure the rocks have been exposed it determines into what type of metamorphic rocks they will turn into, and according to that what kind of a texture and appearance will they have. The amount of time of exposure to heat and pressure is also key to the type and quality of the metamorphic rocks.
A wall stands using gravity. It is constantly being pulled down. Many also place them in ways that they dig into the ground, and almost make a socket just for the wall to be placed, using the land that is there. More and more walls are placed and eventually, they make flooring and a roof.
Hope that helped!