1. vendemos
2. entras
3. comprendo
4. encontramos
5. estudia
Remove any ar, er, or ir endings and conjugate.
1. Frescura, tacto
2. Sombras, vista
3. Aroma, olfato
4. Amargo, gusto
5. Murmullo, oído
6. Inmenso, vista
7. Agudas, oído
8. Sabor, gusto
The human body is made up of many parts. All of these parts are essentials in order for the body to function normally. Some parts of the body are more essential than others. For example, the brain is a vital organ that sends function signals to the rest of the body. The brain is in the head. The heart is another vital organ of importance. The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system. The heart is like a bomb that sends blood to your body. The stomach forms part of the digestive system. If we don't watch what we eat we can suffer from stomach infections. Other parts of the body that are important as well but aren't as essential like the ones that were mentioned before like the arms, legs, knees, elbows, and hands. These parts of the body facilitate movement and help us develop in daily activities in school and sports.
Ok I don’t know what it’s the lesson 4, but you have to use “Usted” because you tell your mom how make your favorite recipe, for example you can say, “Mamá usted me puede hacer mi receta favorita de esta manera” you tell her how make.
I hope this help you!❤️
First of all the largest majority in the US is Hispanics.
So the good of learning this language is being able to communicate with the ones who only speak Spanish or prefer to.
also Being able to speak Spanish greatly enhances your resume.