that means i will give them want they dont need
I believe it would be declarative because it is stating a fact.
Interrogative is a question and will allmost always end in a question marks.
Imperative is an order and will almost always end in a period.
Exclamatory shows excitement or concern ends most often with a exclamation mark.
noun,pronoun,verb,adjective, adverb, preposition
preposition= around
One evening, me and my friend Jack were playing outside. We decided a friendly game of football would be fun. We were just tossing and throwing the ball to each other, like normal boys would do.
All of a sudden, Jack started crying. I went up to him in desperation, as I noticed that he had broken his arm! He ran into the neighbor's car, and he hit his arm so hard on the side mirror, that it broke! We had to admit him into the hospital!
After a long time in the emergency room, Jack was free to go to his house. This had to be the scariest moment for me. I'm going to be taking a little break from football. I hope this never happens again...
The correct answer is A. Earth
A root word is a word by itself which can be combined with suffixes and prefixes to create new words, thus root words cannot be shortened but by adding other words or letter before or after them new words are created by mixing the meaning of the root word and the word, syllable or letter added. The words geology, georgic and geode have a common root word which is geo and which is combined with different suffixes such as -logy, -ergic and -de to create new words. The root word geo derives from Greek and means earth, ground or land, as mentioned before the root word is combined with suffixes to create new meanings in this way -logy means the science or study of something which means geology is the study of earth or land; -ergic means produce by, which means georgic is a poem produced or inspired by land (agriculture ) and the suffix -ede means separation which is links to geode definition which is a formation of rocks. Thus, the root word geology, georgic, and geode share is "geo" which means Earth.