<span>If it loses that 1 electron (0 electrons, 1 proton, 1 neutron) it become an ion that is positively charge because it has more protons than electrons. [Ignore the neutrons] </span>
<span>If it gains an electron (2 electrons, 1 proton, 1 neutron) it becomes an ion that is negatively charge because it has more electrons than protons </span>
<span>A molecule - when 2 or more "different" elements combine or when 2 or more of the "same" elements combine </span>
<span>1 proton 1 electron <----- that is considered to be neutral </span>
<span>3 protons, 3 electrons <----- neutral </span>
<span>5 protons 5 electrons <----- neutral </span>
<span>6 protons, 5 electrons <-- positive ion [more protons than electrons] </span>
<span>5 protons, 8 electrons <--- negative ion [more electrons than protons] </span>
Its is possible because your previous family members like grandparents can have dimples special features like eye color can skip a generation so for example my family all have brown eyes and my mom previously had twins with blue eyes but my great grandma has blue eyes a feature skipped from my family and she got it from my elders
DNA or protein sequences of shared genes
The MOST accurate way to determine the evolutionary relationship between two animals is through the examination of DNA or protein sequences of shared genes.
DNA or protein sequences of shared genes. Biochemical evidence is extremely accurate in determining the relationship between two organisms. Many animals have been re-classified, due to DNA evidence.
DNA guides the formation of an organism’s structures. DNA helps organisms function by telling them how to function.
DNA plays a role in the growth and reproduction of organisms.
La alimentación de los conejos
80% HENO.
HENO: La dieta debe ser muy rica en fibra por lo tanto un 80% de su alimentación diaria debe ser heno. Podemos diferenciar dos tipos de heno, de gramíneas (mezcla de hierbas secas y flores) o de leguminosas (alfalfa, trébol, soja, etc.).
los conejos comen muchos alimentos, pero principalmente verduras