A- Glaciers
The most important agents in lakes formation are glacial ice movement.
Answer is option B - "I should shower rather than take a tub bath."
Abdominal hysterectomy is the surgical removal of a part or all of the uterus by making an incision in the lower abdomen. After the surgery, the patient normally spends 2 - 5 days in the hospital and takes at least 4 - 6 weeks to get completely better. Some of the major discharge instructions are;
- Drink enough water and eat smaller meals that are rich in proteins and fiber and plenty of fruits and vegetables daily. This helps with the healing process and prevents constipation.
- Avoid swimming or taking a tub bath, but can take showers.
- Dressings over the incision should be removed daily and keep the wound area clean.
- Avoid inserting anything such as tampons into the vagina for 6 weeks after the surgery.
- Avoid all heavy activity including strenuous household activities, weightlifting, and other strenuous exercises. Short walking and light household chores can be done.
- Avoid driving if the patient is taking narcotic pain-relieving medicines. Long trips in vehicles or airplanes are not recommended for 4 weeks after the surgery.
Answer: A. ionic
In ionic bonds electron are transferred from one atom to another. In ionic bonds , the metal atom loses electrons to become positively charged cation whereas the nonmetal atom accepts those electrons to become negatively charged anion.
Earth is always rotating around the sun that means if it were winter on one side of the world, (that is not on the side of the sun) the other side of the world would be summer, ( the side that the sun is shining on)
The cell cycle is a series of stages of a cell growing and dividing. If the cells did not go through the process the result would be no reproduction. The cells will be shortly lived and die.