While members of an age set live with their immediate families and local kin groups, and age sets are not tightly organised internally, they serve to apportion roles and status in wider social situations, with senior age sets having a judicial function, for example.
The Jazz Age was a cultural period and movement that took place in America during the 1920s from which both new styles of music and dance emerged. Largely credited to African Americans employing new musical techniques along with traditional African traditions, jazz soon expanded to America's white middle class.
Answer: Face masks
The cause of an outbreak such as the corona virus has led to the demand of masks, this has led to the mass production and therefore they are lower quality.
In 1903, W.E.B. Du Bois wrote The Talented Tenth; Theodore Rosevelt was president of the United States and industrialization was skyrocketing. Du Bois thought it a good time for African Americans to advance their positions in society.
give me brainly thanks, have a blessed day!
There multiple examples in which a growing power in the lower or middle class was a cause for concern and reform. The two most notable examples where the growing power was a major cause of revolt however, was the American and French Revolution.
The American Revolution has its roots within the French and Indian war (or Seven Year's war), which was a global conflict between France and England. The conflict existed on the frontier of the British colonies in America, and after the British won the war they began to heavily tax the colonists whom they spent resources to protect. By this time, there was already a growing middle class from New England through down to the southern colonies. These new taxation were done without consent nor representation for the colonists which greatly angered them as the taxes were already immensely expensive on daily items such as tea and stamps. The enlightenment thought was also influential, as new schools of thought challenged the position of the individual to the state and monarchy. Eventually, sentiment grew and the colonists fought for their freedom from heavy taxation and monarchy, winning it in 1783.
Similarly, the French revolution saw its beginnings in similar fashion to that of the American revolution. France just fought two major conflicts (French and Indian war, as well as siding with the colonists in the American Revolution). Economic hardships was heavily burdensome to the French lower and middle class who were constantly outvoted by the clergy and nobility in the French court, both who did not face as strong hardships as the middle and lower class. The french nobility and royalty grew strongly out of the touch with the middle class majority. Enlightened thought eventually lead the French middle class to revolt and ignite the French Revolution in challenge to the position of