he was not the only high ranking government official that John wilkes slated for assaination
The correct answer is A) Drink alcohol and D) Buy alcohol for medical reasons.
The 18th amendment strictly prohibited the "sale, distribution, and manufacturing" of alcohol. However, it says nothing about drinking alcohol within the amendment. Along with this, doctors still had the ability to give citizens alcohol if it was for medical purposes. This resulted in thousands of Americans gaining access to alcohol legally during the 1920's.
Option D, Nobel Prize for Medicine is the right answer.
Bernardo Alberto Houssay was a Physiologist from Argentine. He was the co-recipient of a Nobel award for Physiology or Medicine. He won this award for his design on the function performed by pituitary hormones in directing the value of glucose in animals. In the field of Science, he was the first Latin American to win this prize.
The freed men's Bureau did redistribute large amounts of land to freedmen in some areas from wealthy southern planters and from abandoned plantations. Southern planters began to return and demand their land back, and vey few republicans wanted to live where the government could arbitrarily confiscate land from people, so much of the land was given back to its original owners