their economy was bad at the end of WWII
D. Ability to acquire and use energy
Every conflict needs a clear resolution that acknowledges hurt feelings and find a solution that begins to mend them. Apologize. I'll apologize by telling the other person I'm truly sorry for any ill words and I also have to mean it. I'll also need to forgive the other person.
Or you can try these steps:
a. work out if the issue is Worth fighting over
b. try to separate the problem from the person
c. try to cool off first if you feel too angry to talk calmly
d. keep in mind, that the idea is to resolve the conflict not to win the argument
e. remember the other party mustn't agree with you on everything
f. define the problem and stick to the topic
g. respect the other person's view by paying attention and listening
h. talk clearly and reasonably
I. try to find points of common ground and finally
j. agree to disagree.
Answer: They didnt collect taxes.
Explanation: The constitution overlooked that a country needs funding to operate itself.
b. Expand territories
One of the great objectives of colonization and exploitation was to promote the extension of territories, making a kingdom richer, since the extension of dominated lands allowed the exploration to be more comprehensive, and could generate wealth that would be used to develop the kingdom and make it more powerful and bigger.