Yes, i post images and videos online to share with other people. I do believe that the images we share online will one day serve as useful primary sources for historians in the future. Just like how we look at their versions of “social media” like old writings and drawings people in the future will look at our media’s to help them learn about our day to day life.
(See explanation for further details)
- Economía de mercado (Market economy)
- Propiedad privada en bienes, servicios y medios de producción (Private property on goods, services and means of production)
- Iniciativa individual (Individual initiative)
- Economía de planificación central (Central planning economy)
- Propiedad estatal en bienes, servicios y medios de producción (State property on goods, services and means of production)
- Colectivismo (Colectivism)
The social contract basically describe the class of people.
The United States Congress responded to the signing of the SALT II treaty in that it "<span>hesitated, then agreed to ratify it" since it called for lowering US arms supplies, which was thought to be dangerous. </span>
The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, were against the purchase of this territory because they wanted the states united by a strong central government, which would be difficult with state so far away.