it doesn't use the words like or as
The two stories, Stone Fox and Sara Sees are different due to some of the reasons below;
in stone fox, Willy who is the main act; when Willy became a part of the race, coupled with the fact that at first, no one was willing to give him the encouragement he needed, still, he was completely focused, dedication and he gave his utmost determination to finish the race.
In the middle of the race, he sighted his father among the crowd cheering and waving at him not to give up and moved on with the race.
Same can not be said for the main act of Sara Sees.
Sara was the main act of Sara Sees.
Unlike Willy who tries to succeed in spite of the obstacles in front of him, Sara made an attempt to flee the obvious reality in front of her. She tried to hide from her problem.
She learnt her lesson when she came across a woman who despite the pain and difficulties, she was going through, she tried to offer help to someone.
I am seated in one of the last rows of chairs reserved for the audience who will attend the Barnard College Graduation Ceremony. The climate is pleasant and that is why everyone wears comfortable clothes, but consistent with the occasion. We didn't see a cloud in the sky and the environment has a fresh wind, totally balancing the feeling of warmth coming from the sun.
The chairs are white, plastic, but big enough to accommodate my body.
A few minutes after my arrival, the ceremony began, soon the graduates entered and settled in the place reserved for them and in a few minutes we can hear Toni Morrison's speech.
The speech was very emotional and highlighted the challenges and advantages of our professionals who were being trained that day. An important point of the speech, impressed me, when Morrison pointed out the importance of this new generation of professionals looking for equality and gender in their workplaces, since the women present there and those who still entered the job market, struggled to get their diplomas and have a good academic life and for that reason they deserve to be respected and have their rights guaranteed, as well as their wishes, capacity and autonomy respected.
Opposites Analogies. Object and Classification Analogies. Object and Related Object Analogies.
Why does Dimmesdale forgive Hester? Who is the worst sinner? Chillingworth violated the sanctity of a human heart. He forgives Hester because he has wronged her too.
He forgives Hester because he has wronged her too.