<h3>Yes, it is the duty of the government to solve social and domestic problems.</h3>
A government is held accountable to the people and the citizens of a country. One of the basic function of the government is to provide protection and security to the people under its jurisdiction.
In a society, numerous problems may arise at times. During such times, the government has to immediately intervene and help solve these problems without delay.
Public welfare and well-being is the most fundamental objective of every government. Through various agencies and organizations, the government can provide justice and harmony when problems arise in a society.
These problems may be as simple as divorces or as dreadful as communal riots. However, all these problems which may arise in a society or within the domestic sphere, the government has the sole duty to solve them.
The main point of the Warsaw pact was to ally the countries of Eastern Europe against NATO. The Warsaw pact was seen as a counterbalanced political move which would bring stability to Europe through it in a way.
Answer:b. The reasonable victim standard
A reasonable person criteria is used to establish if the work environment is hostile. This is used to prevent those cases where people may make false claims about harassments act which most reasonable people will not categorize as harassments behaviour or act towards them.
So to discover if the act can actually be categorised as harassment the person who is accused of such an act would be assessed from an objective point of view. So if the act or behaviour in question can not be considered harassment by majority of reasonable people it can not then be considered as harassment.
Biting of lips when a woman is wearing a skirt may be a sign of some arousal of sexual nature and going further to state his loneliness would sounds like someone is inviting you over for such an activity so it is probably a cause for concern for any reasonable person.
The correct answer is that factories and industrialization, in general, was: profitable.
Due to the scale an owner could achieve with a factory, the idea spread far and wide pretty quickly.