Answer and Explanation:
The situation is an example of classical conditioning. A new behavior was learned because what used to be a neutral stimulus was associated with an unconditioned stimulus. Let's break it down below to better understand it:
- an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is something that produces a natural reaction in or from us - an unconditioned response (UR). In the given situation, the UCS is the heat. We normally respond to heat by sweating and feeling thirsty. When it is too hot, we may even faint.
- a neutral stimulus (NS) is something that does not necessarily produce a response. In the passage, it is the organ music. We wouldn't normally sweat or faint while listening to organ music.
- Because Jeannette was feeling uncomfortable due to heat while listening to organ music, she ended up associating the two stimuli.
- Now, organ music has become a conditioned stimulus (CS). It now has the power, so to speak. of making her faint even though what originally made her faint was the heat.
- Therefore, fainting is now a conditioned response (CR). Every time Jeanette listens to organ music, she will feel dizzy because of the association explained above.
Answer: nice to know pls let me keep the points
In past years the College Entrance tests such as the ACT and SAT have been accused of this type of bias. The topics selected for essay questions favored middle and upper class white students who would have more familiarity with the culture or experiences that the questions covered.
Likewise the vocabulary and literature selections were things that minorities and less privileged students would be less familiar with.