Lysozyme which is found in the lysosomes. They function at a relatively low pH and are so because if they functioned at physiological pH they would digest the cell. But in this case, they are in the lysosomes where they are safe and at a lower pH so when the vesicles open they can emit hydrogen ions and the lysozyme to digest the foreign material.
A. The tails do not interact with the DNA
The acetylation refers to the transfer of the acetyl group from Acetyl-CoA to the N-terminal of the histone protein.
Lysine residues (positively charged amino acid) are present at the end of the N-terminal of the histone protein which is neutralized by the acetyl group.
This loses the compaction between the positively charged histone and the negatively charged DNA and the DNA becomes more relaxed. This relaxed state allows the transcription factors to easily bind the DNA and therefore the DNA becomes transcriptionally active.
Thus, Option-A is correct
The correct answer would be zygote...blastocyst...embryo...fetus.
The fertilization of sperm and egg results in the formation of zygote. It receives genetic material from a male as well as a female parent.
It divides with the help of mitotic divisions and results in the formation of 2, 4, 8, and 16 celled stages.
It results in the formation of the hollow spherical ball of cells termed as a blastocyst. The cells are distributed to form the outer layer termed trophoblast and inner cell mass which gives rise to the embryo.
Trophoblast help in the implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine wall.
The cells of the embryo undergo organogenesis during different organs such as heart, brain, lungs et cetera are formed.
In humans, almost 9 weeks after the fertilization the developing embryo is considered a fetus.
The fetus development continues until birth.
C. Nucleus
In both animal and plant cells the nucleus controls all activities in the cell.