Switches break up collision domains and routers break up broadcast domains.
- Collision domain depicts the part within a network where a collision can happen.
- Collision occurs when two hosts transmit data packet at the same time within a network. Theses packets collide and the hosts have to resend the data after some time.
- Too many collisions can result in slow traffic speed and can effect network performance.
- So switches break up collision domains between the devices on a network and each port in a switch depicts a collision domain. This reduces the chance of packet collisions between the devices or hosts.
- When data is to be sent to a host, the switch keeps that data frame and waits for availability of the destination host before sending the data frame.
- Moreover full duplex switch mode there is not chance of collision as the transmitting path on one host is the receiving path on other host.
- Broadcast domain contains all the hosts that can reach each other at the Data Link layer via broadcast.
- Routers break up broadcast domains as routers contain separate broadcast domains for each interface.
- Routers do not forward broadcasts from one broadcast domain to other and drop the packet when they detect a broadcast address.
contractor management outsourcing
For any recruiter, two things are important. They want to ensure more time, and hence more money. By the time I mean, they want to avoid investing time in something that does not generate revenues. And unfortunately, there exists a bundle of such irrelevant, and yet must-do activities which we need to perform. However, if we opt for contractor management outsourcing to a better management employment relationship, we save a lot of time and earn more as a recruiter. However, we then spend more time creating a contract, as even a single faulty clause can be hard for you to engulf in the future. And that is why it requires more time. However, the good part is, we as a recruiter are happy by the end of the day, as we earn more profit. And it's due to better resource and time management.
#function to find length of shortest and longest string in the array
def fun(list2):
#find length of shortest string
#find length of longest string
#return both the value
return mn,mx
#array of strings
list2 = ['Ford', 'Volvo', 'BMW', 'MARUTI','TATA']
# call the function
#print the result
print("shortest length is:",mn)
print("longest length is:",mx)
Create an array of strings.Call the function fun() with array as parameter. Here min() function will find the minimum string among all the strings of array and then len() function will find its length and assign to "mn". Similarly max() will find the largest string and then len() will find its length and assign to "mx". Function fun() will return "mn" & "mx".Then print the length of shortest and longest string.
shortest length is: 3
longest length is: 5