I cant tell you which one because you haven't gave me any options to pick from. give me the options and I will be more than happy to help.
He was a German-Jewish refugee who hid with Anne Frank and her family during World War II. When the "Diary of Anne Frank" was published in 1947, Hermann van Pels name was changed Holocaust Victim. He was a German-Jewish refugee who hid with Anne Frank and her family during World War II.
i would ask him to write what he wants down if he knows how to write English, but if not i would try to teach him a few easy words to help me understand him.
He meant that painting murals of the rapper was their own way of honoring him and showing their respects.
In the article Street art of Nipsey Hussle in LA Breathes Life into Legacy the author mentioned the ways different people were grieving and making memorials for the dead rapper Nipsey Hussle, he mentioned that while the rapper's colleagues were using words to praise him, for others like Levi Ponce "paint was how they paid homage".
To pay homage means to express deep respect or to honor somebody or something.
So, the author just meant to say that painting was their (Ponce and others) way of honoring Nipsey Hussle, that is by painting murals and street art in his memory.