Humanist dramatists drew from many more sources than their medieval counterparts.
New discoveries influence contemporary psychological perspectives because they provide new ways to look at things, or give new technology for new ways to diagnose problems and try to solve them.
This is a complex sentence it includes a subordinate clause (one that CANNOT stand by itself), and a dependent clause. You can tell this because if I were to walk into a room and say, "When K and C read the same foldable....", you would be waiting to hear the rest, wouldn't you? A compound sentence has two independent clauses joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (but, and, for, nor, or, so, yet). A simple sentence is just an independent clause.
1# Roses are red,
violets are blue,
you need to run becuase im into you
JK sorry TwT
2# Happy is sad and sad is happy,
Make the best of it and youl be successful
Three mixed-race girls are torn brutally from their Aboriginal mother and sent over a thousand miles away to a training camp for domestic workers as part of a government policy to integrate them into white society. Linking the camp and their distant home territory is a vast rabbit-proof fence, which stretches from one coast to another and just might help the girls find their way back.