The largest country in land area is Algeria at 2,381,740 km2.
This is one country, with 41,657,488 people
A public service is a service intended to serve all members of a community. Public services include services provided by a government to people living within its jurisdiction, either directly through public sector agencies or by financing provision of services by private businesses or voluntary organizations.
High tide will be higher than it is now and neap tides will be shallower
The answer is parallel.
To add, absolute water depth has nothing to do with the difference between shallow and deep-water waves. On the other hand, the ratio of the water’s deep to the wavelength of the wave is that one that determines it. A deep-water wave’s water molecules proceed in a circular orbit while the orbit of the molecules of shallow-water waves molecules’ orbit are elliptical.
One way would be to limit who can receive a passport or visa to travel to another country and another would be at the entrance to the country they may not be admitted for example due to inadequate funds to live. In my case, when I travelled by bus from Costa Rica to Panama, the Panamanian authorities required that I either have a ticket out of the country or a return ticket back to San Jose, Costa Rica.