An online publication was chosen on a reputable website. The publication was an article that showed how prejudice has prevented black animals from being adopted.
The article spoke of how prejudice has been embedded in our society in a strong and unbeatable way since the times of slavery. The article points to an existing fact in our society, about how racism has affected animals. The trafficking of black people to our country for enslaved beings has generated a totally wrong concept in our society. This concept states that everything black is bad, immoral, dirty and unworthy of any kind of consideration. We know that this concept has been persecuting black people for centuries, causing them to suffer the most diverse types of prejudice and to have faced a lot of racism during their lives. What few people know is that this racism has reflected even in black animals, causing them to be more discriminated against, less adopted and more abandoned. In addition, these animals are constantly associated with witchcraft, witchcraft and other practices that are rated as bad in our society.
While reading the article and researching the facts that the article pointed out, I changed my perception of racism. In my mind, racism was only associated with people, but now I understand that racism is something so comprehensive that it involves even innocent beings like animals. In addition, these racist concepts have been disseminated in our society disguised as people's "personal taste". We need to combat this and prevent living beings from suffering because of degrading and unrealistic concepts.
classicism is a literary movement in which is characterized by clarity, balance, restraint, and respect for tradition
aha theres your anwer in my own words lol
There is quicksand in the area.
Athletes are at risk of exercise-associated hypothermia because of the temperature (surroundings) of where the athlete is exercising. Also doing extreme things like doing anything in the cold that athletes have to overcome can be why they are more likely to get hypothermia.
Summary because of the cold conditions they are playing or doing the activity.