A sounds like a answer but don't let it fool you, same with C. B or D will most likely be your answer I would go with D
was completely wrong
Way of the beam is an idiom that expresses how wrong a person is. It is generally used in the United Kingdom. The origin of the idiom is as follows: Radio signals were used to guide aircrafts while landing. There were two transmitter one transmitted dots while the other transmitted dashes. In order to land aircraft the dots and dashes needed to merge.
- raising my voice
- repeating my point
- asking people to be quiet
- emphasizing certain ideas
All of us - regardless of our profession or the context in which we are inserted - are communicators. After all, it is through communication that we can expose our ideas, our dissatisfactions, our needs and projects, whether at work or in our personal lives.
Being heard when it comes to talking to people is a big challenge, especially today, when most focus seems to be on social networking notifications, but some tactics can help make people pay attention while you talk. These tactics are:
- Raise the voice and ask people to be quiet: It makes people stop being distracted by banal things and pay attention to what you are talking about.
- Repeating the point and emphasizing certain ideas: show the importance of the subject you want to talk about and can make people pay attention.
Answer: The best way to locate a suffix is to look for a word part at the end of a word, after the root.
Example: -fy, -ing