The percentage that falls in the November is 25%
To get the percentage of the precipitation during the month of the November divide the given amount of precipitation in the November into the total amount of precipitation in a year.
PERCENTAGE FALLS IN THE NOVEMBER = given average of precipitation in the year of November / total precipitation falls in the year
given from the data the average precipitation in November is = 35 cm
solution, percentage falls in the November = 35 cm/140 cm
= 25%
The percentage that falls in the November is 25%.
Answer: The Spanish were trying to make the Aztec leader out to be a coward and weak.
The Spanish were attempting to give the impression of being powerful with their animals and technology.
Perhaps the Spanish were trying to give the impression that they were likely to win—thereby attracting more indigenous allies.
the following document based on indigenous account but filtered through imperial Spanish sensibilities suggested that the motecuzoma reacted with fright when presented with reports that were less than reassuring since they focused on fearsome weapons and animals of the Spanish. Given the material response of Aztecs to the Spanish invasion it seems highly unlikely that Motecuzoma or the azetecs would have expressed terror in such a humiliating fashion
A. They hated being occupied and controlled by Northerners
Prob because whites are racist
Ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture. Part of ethnocentrism is the belief that one's race, ethnicity, or cultural group is the most important or that some or all aspects of its culture are superior to those of other groups.