Answer:D) Id
Explanation: This is referred by Freud as a pleasure principle because it makes one do what they want to do without even thinking about the outcome as long as it is going to please them .
For Suzie taking the toy without considering the other child's feeling it shows she was only thinking about satisfying her own need or pleasure .
Convection in the mantle is the answer
Conditiile favorabile invatarii sunt:
-o camera luminata
-sa fi odihnit
-sa citesti cu atentie lectia\lectiile ce trebuiesc invatate
-loc spatios
-sa nu fi stresat
-sa fi concentrat
-aerul sa fie destul de curat
Sa ai o zi buna!!~~~ :)
Answer: The Aztecs were violent.
Military campaigns accompanied the very rise of the Aztec civilization. Aztec tribal leaders undertook a series of campaigns to strengthen their influence. Many tribes were turned into vassals who paid tribute to them. Aztec religious beliefs led to many violent deaths. They believed that the gods would bring doom if they did not often sacrifice people, and for this purpose, they often used prisoners of war and members of smaller tribal communities.
Throughout history, they have served as a mercenary army to other cities and states, and over time they have become so strong that they have attacked their masters and become absolute rulers. The state's very structure was militaristic and implied constant expansion, which led to a large number of victims. Many conquered peoples had to pay high taxes, and the Aztecs kept proper records of it. All these factors are proof that the Aztecs were a violent civilization.