1. '이모' [ee-mo] means;
D: Mother's sister
2. 리나는 내일 아침에 출장을 _______
C: 갈 것이다
3. 나는 어제 친구를 ________
A: 만났어요
The sign for "son" is a (mutated) compound of "MALE and BABY." It is abbreviated though. The "male" part of the sign just looks like a salute. You abbreviate the BABY portion of the sign (no rocking). It sort of looks like you are saluting from your forehead to the crook of your left elbow. The left arm sometimes just hangs down during the sign SON or at least is more relaxed than in the sign for baby.
You say thank you or something related to that.
B. The star is receding from earth