d) decreasing productivity at work because of the need of workers to care for elders
Many workers have older people in their families who need constant care. This can be a problem for the current worker who has to divide his time between working and caring for an elderly person, as well as physical strain, such a routine can create psychological problems, stress and even other health problems that decrease productivity. of the worker in your company. For this reason, some companies have been investing in care for the elderly, because this causes a decrease in work productivity due to the need of workers to take care of the elderly.
Autism spectrum disorder
According to DSM-V, autism spectrum disorder is a neurological and developmental disorder that has the following symptoms:
- Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts: social-emotional reciprocity, reduced sharing of interests, emotions or affect, failure to initiate or respond to social interactions.
- Persistent deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction: poor verbal and nonverbal communication, abnormal eye contact or body language, poor use of gestures.
- Persistent deficits in developing, maintaining, and understand relationships.
- Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities: stereotyped or repetitive motor movements or phrases, inflexible adherence to routines, fixated interests,
Thus, this disorder involves a wide range of problematic behaviors including deficits in language and perceptual and motor development; defective reality testing; and impairments in social communication.
The Ancient Greek practiced "direct democracy" in which instead of having elected officials, each eligible citizens had a direct say in the affairs of the state. This democracy was limited, however, because only males with military experience could vote.