They did so because they believed that it would destroy the nuclear family and break up the traditional family motto and position of women pitting them against their husbands.
The correct option is "They all participated in some form of wrestling."
• By cataloging certain important sports throughout the history of China, the Dragon Boat event dating back more than two thousand years is known and continues to be a traditional event that takes place every year. On the other hand Cuju, a sport similar to soccer, was practiced in China during the third and second century BC. Since the Song Dynasty, Tai chi chuan and some martial arts similar to qigong became very popular in this country.
• Sports in Ancient Egypt occupied an important part of the leisure of young people of antiquity, being reflected in numerous testimonies: decorations in tombs, vessels, ostraca, etc. Although some activities (especially martial arts) were preferably reserved for the aristocracy, it seems that people of all classes participated in many sports. There was no competition for the importance of the Olympic Games, although competitions were contested (at least in some specific discipline).
• In ancient Greece, the Olympic Games took place every four years and were an important part of the religious life of the Greeks. The Olympic Games were held at the Olympia stadium, which was inaugurated with a sacrifice to Zeus. The six main sports that were played during that period were athletics, pankration, jumping, expedition race, discus throw and javelin.
King George asked for troops to be sent to the New England colonies to maintain order after the colonists response to the Townshend Act, which taxed colonists on items and took away some of their freedoms. The Townshend Act taxed items such as tea and paper and let the British officials the authority to search the colonists' houses whenever they pleased. Obviously, the colonists did not like this and started to rebel and cause a scene, and when King George found out about this he sent troops to Boston in hopes of keeping the order and putting the colonists in line.
I believe your answer is B. people speaking their ideas against government in writing (sorry if I'm wrong)
no not really however you cannot have a call to action where it can lead to negative affects on others