Answer: a. smell b. touch c. taste d. sound e. sight
Answer: Othello thought that Cassio is talking about Desdemona.
In <em>Othello</em>, Iago pretends to be Othello's friend, but plots against him. Iago is angry at him because Othello passed him over for a promotion with Cassio. Iago's plan is to make Othello think that Desdemona is unfaithful to him with Cassio, and thus destroy both his love life and his friendship with Cassio.
In <em>Act IV, Scene I</em>, Iago decides to put this plan into action. He reveals to the audience that he will talk to Cassio about his relationship with Bianca, so that Othello thinks that they are talking about Desdemona. He succeeds in this plan - Othello overhears their conversation and believes what he hears.
read this honey
choose your character:
what are your 2 favorite sentences/things about their part in the plot?:
summarize them:
what is the best way to explain the plot to a 5-7 year old?:
now summarize that and add your summary to the summary of your two favorite sentences/things about the character
how does this character tie into today*:
your rough draft should look something like
"every character in The Odyssey is inspirational and [chose another adjective], but [character that you chose] is by far the most outstanding of them all. [character name] [plays this role in the plot] [has this impact on the plot, which is that {plot summary}] Surprisingly, effects that [character's name] has had on society can still be seen today by [how this character ties into today]...
keep going from there. you can do this! drink a lot of coffee! you will be exhausted and done with everything tomorrow but chances are that you already are so that's ok ig. also remember to use synonyms for the character's name so that your writing doesn't sound redundant, and avoid using the same word more than once (unless it's a little word or a common word) and use the synonym finder to find synonyms that have more words. normally name synonyms have more words than just the plain name. also if you are allowed to use quotes, say something like: as can be seen by, "[insert quote that supports statement]" and that will add words to your essay. i hope that this helped!
*if you were dressing up as a modern twist of this character for halloween, how would you? what are some mirrors of society/culture and this character's society/culture? how does this character effect greek and other cultures today? (google "how does the character ___ from the Odyssey impact culture today") use all of this information.
This is a pretty personal story, so you should answer it yourself.
Leaving NHS to focus on core classes.