Key words would be the best :)
She has no more sons they can marry so they should return home to their mother's.
She tried to persuade them by telling them that she had no more sons they could marry by the customs and even if she got married and bore sons, it would be a long time to come of age before she could give them as husband to them.
I am not going to write a 200 word essay.
Read all
Look at yourself and find something great.
But here is my advise .. take your computer and look at yourself, find all of the faults that you have in yourself and then.. think about all of the good in the good things that come out of the world... Then sit and then type everything positive that you see in yourself .. and the world... Think of any small way that you could change that could help find away to global warming or like "go vegan" to help the environment then explain on how you as one person could began revolution.
Take one thing of you that you do not like and then change it to be positive and find a solution.
I know that this is not a 200 word essay .. but take whatever you need from it... If you need an intro try this. "Look at yourself and all you can see is faults... Look at some one and see all of the good... Then take a look at how amazing you could be.. nut you do not have to .. look at yourself and see all of your strength" People go through things all the time .. It is our job as humanity to do something positive... If someone is sad make them happy you have just not only made someone feel good but it helps you feel better and it lets you have less and less problems with yourself..
I hope that this helps.