<u><em> a subordinate clause is a clause in a complex sentence that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and that functions within the sentence as a noun or adjective or adverb A clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence, but functions as either a noun, adjective or adverb in a sentence.</em></u>
They are factorial of 3 or 7 not reall Sure about this sorry if wrong
All of these factors influence how your audience will interpret the words on the page; therefore, they should influence your tone as you write them. Remember! Just as you might speak differently in front of the elderly than you might speak in front of your peers, you may have to adjust your tone and possibly the type of information you provide based on the type of audience you expect to read your essay.
hope this helps
This is a delightful and witty short story with that very Russian sense of the surreal combined with satire, that one sees in Bulgakov's writings (Bulgakov was an admirer of Gogol's work). I could go into all sorts of linguistic and psychological analysis of the symbolism of a man losing his nose, or I probably could if I knew Russian. But I suspect that rather misses the point. As the story says: Nonsense really does occur in this world, and, sometimes, nonsense altogether without an element of plausibility. I do not know what you can compare it with. Have you got any options? I think that you can get help with it if you check i tat the professional site. Prime Writings is the site with interesting blog on essay writing.